my sister.

we pulled hair, kicked, and clawed. threw the occasional punch. we fought over clothes. we fought over shoes. maybe still do.. occasionally. we had our selfish moments, our jealous moments, and in our family the competitive moments. you've all hugged me when i've cried. told me to shut up when i was wrong. even told me when jeans made my butt look big. you've worried about me. probably prayed for me. you've played jokes on me. i've played jokes on you. you love me when i'm grumpy which i'm sure is way to often. you put up with me when i'm bratty and i know i've had some extreme moments. you are always honest even when its not what i want to hear. you each have been a good example to me in so many different ways.

christmas morning always catches us at our best.

none of you can be mad about this pic. not my best kodak moment. i'll never cut my own hair again.

3 sisters. 3 best friends. love you ash kris and court.

hello inspiration.

monday i got this hair brained idea. well thats a lie.
it was a brewin' in my head ever since i went to the mall and saw this beauty.

thank you cute guitar for for inspiring me to learn to play.

this was my insiration. i always wanted to learn to play but haven't had a guitar or the patience really. but here i go. im gonna do it. as of monday i have a guitar and im all signed up for a guitar class. wish my teacher luck.
i guess if all else fails i'll always have this lovely guitar.

the best time of year.

it is the best time of year. for one its summer. i love everything about summer. laying by the pool. summer thunderstorms. not wearing shoes. walking through the cold irrigation water while it soaks the grass. watching softball. watching baseball. the smell of mowing lawn. camping. looking at the amazing stars. barbeques. the green of everything. the list is endless really.. but my friends this particular time of summer is the best time of year because one thing.

tomatoes. not just any tomatoes home grown, red, juicey, plump tomatoes. no i'm not a photographer so this little diddy i took with my phone doesn't do these round slices of heaven justice. but all you need is a salt shaker. try it.

yesterday i went to the mall with aimee. we found this little number and about wet our pants laughing at the thought of me wearing it. incase your not catching on. i somewhat.. involuntarily.. resemble a lepracaun. no i'm not a notre dame fan but perhaps i should be even though i have no irish heritage that i am aware of.

as always a success.

The fourth was a success. i'm not surprised. i cant think of a year when it wasnt. you cant really fail with family food and fireworks. i have to say it is my favorite holiday besides christmas. This year it was especially great. i thought it was gonna suck having the fourth on a sunday and all. but boy was i wrong. instead of one day of celebrating it lasted for like 3 days. saturday i was with my family all day long. the reason i love the fourth! the party started early with a slip n slide at grandmas, an excellent steak and then ended with fireworks. i ♥ slip n slides, steak and fireworks.

me and Bridger on the slipnslide.

at our best.

any day now!!

again i will remind you that i have 1.5 days left in vegas. can you believe that? well i guess a little more than that if you count the day i come back to get all my stuff but FINALLY it's here!!! i'm driving myself crazy waiting though!! I've turned my room into a storage unit with all the boxes stacked up.
1 more final.
1 more practice.
a little more packing.
alot more cleaning.
it should fly by right?.. (:

yes this is my mom upside down on a zipline.
i know im late with the motherly post but really..
how awesome is my mom?

just some pics.

i took this picture from the airplane.
it made me ridiculously homesick flying right
over my house haha

all the redheads.. plus cassie.

i remembered i had a broken nose right after
this.. simply genius..

my poor face.

last wednesday at practice I was batting and fouled an inside rise ball up into my face. first when it happened it didnt really hurt. I was more shocked. I stood there for a second and was like what just happened? I bent over because it was hurting thats when I saw tons of blood running off my face. like 2 seconds later there was a huge puddle under me. Thats when I kinda started freaking out. I just kept asking everyone if it was broken and they were so nice they kept telling me it wasnt too bad.. but it kinda was.. so My trainer fixed up the split the ball made in between my eyes. I'm hoping that doesnt scar too bad. I didn't cry or anything yet so my trainer just sent me home thinking it was broken but not too bad since I seemed okay. after I got home my adrenaline wore off and it really started to hurt. I called my mom and she told me to go to the hospital and get it x-rayed right away. I had to wait for like ever at the hospital but I got in and the doctor wanted to see the cut my trainer fixed so he ripped all his stuff off which hurt real bad. then realized it was bad and he needed to do the exact same thing.. awesome right.. thats when I cried cause the nurse had to pinch my broken nose to close up the split so the doctor could glue it. I couldnt even stop my eyes from watering.

Then the doctor sent me to get a CT scan so I did that and by then it was hurting pretty bad and I was pretty out of it so I don't remember what exactly the doctor said about it. haha My roommate was so nice to take me and has been taking good care of me. She said she thinks the doctor said it was broken in 2 places. My trainer looked at it and said it could be broken in 2 or 3 places so who knows. I see a specialist on thursday and we will find out if i need surgery and all that fun stuff.I'm crossin my fingers that I don't!!

sorry that was kinda long.. but here are some pictures.

This was the night it happened.

the next morning. Day 1.
I don't have a picture of it but later in the day i couldn't hardly open either of my eyes.

Day 2
I could open one eye and kind of the other.

Day 3
I could open both eyes!! :) Lookin better each day.
The swelling is moving down my face so my cheeks
are getting really fat and a little bruised.

Day 4 Today..
it looks alot better my cheeks are really fat though. haha
and the inside of my eye is even more bloody.

it gets better every day!! hopefully it gets alot alot better for school tomorrow..
it luckily has looked worse then it feels. maybe thanks to the drugs they gave me.
but I'm trying to not take them anymore. we'll see how it feels though.
so far its not unbearable so I think I'll be just fine. :)

my little buddy!! :)

This is my little buddy. He played with me and entertained me all Christmas break and I miss him so much! He always makes me laugh and has such a funny sense of humor for a 2 year old. He is so smart and I love his mischievous little smirk he does and I love how funny he thinks my dad's fart machine is. He makes me so happy.

Love and miss you Bridgee!!