as i got home from work i found my mom and sisters sitting around the table.
nothing seemed odd about this so naturally i went to the family room to play with the kids. and turn on greys of course. the show consumed me as usual. suddenly i found myself home alone.
i went to the kitchen for some food. this is what i found.
i was troubled by this sign for a coupled reasons. 1. by nature i am rebellious. you tell me not to do something and i can't help myself. 2. i couldn't figure out what was important about anything around. the old Nokia brick phone/paperweight or the upside down cups/magic trick in the making?.. i sat for a few minutes looking. then i sat and ate dinner still wondering. i couldn't stand it anymore so i had to look. i lifted up the cups.
some sort of sick joke. my mother knows me well.
but i can play too.
by now my sister was home. she's my partner in crime.
we found the homies.
under cup #1 we placed the homie band.
under cup #2.. you decide whats happening.
under cup #3 we have homie P I M P.
and his women.
under cup #4 i put as many homies
as i could. creating a homieslide.
she's gonna love it.
and his women.
as i could. creating a homieslide.
she's gonna love it.
before i end i have to tell you the story behind the homies and why this is funny. (shortened version i know its getting long).
a long time ago me and coco started collecting homies. anytime we went to walmart or any other place with a homie machine we bought one. never left the store without one. it started as a small collection lined up above our piano. it grew.. and grew.. suddenly they were lined up along the window sills and any other space we could find. my mom wasn't too fond of homies anymore. either was ash. she doesn't like clutter. one day she came over when no one was home apparently so did boarder patrol or so she claims. me and coco were devastated. those homies were 50 cents each. they added up.
a long while later we came across a mysterious bag in the back of a drawer. HOMIES!!! we were ecstatic. it was like Christmas. well actually it was christmas because the decorations were up. we stuffed homies in the christmas tree and garland. ever since then its been a game. the homies come out then boarder patrol comes. but they keep coming back. i love my homies.
a long time ago me and coco started collecting homies. anytime we went to walmart or any other place with a homie machine we bought one. never left the store without one. it started as a small collection lined up above our piano. it grew.. and grew.. suddenly they were lined up along the window sills and any other space we could find. my mom wasn't too fond of homies anymore. either was ash. she doesn't like clutter. one day she came over when no one was home apparently so did boarder patrol or so she claims. me and coco were devastated. those homies were 50 cents each. they added up.
a long while later we came across a mysterious bag in the back of a drawer. HOMIES!!! we were ecstatic. it was like Christmas. well actually it was christmas because the decorations were up. we stuffed homies in the christmas tree and garland. ever since then its been a game. the homies come out then boarder patrol comes. but they keep coming back. i love my homies.