phone vomit

because my life doesn't feel interesting enough for words at this time.
or i lack the energy to add any detail to make it sound interesting.

my life lately in pictures.

i love making things.

got my old friend back out.
me and donkey kong used to be tight.

i'm trying to get better at knitting.
if anyone wants to lend me their grandma..
i'd appreciate it more than you know.
knitting is hard.

we entertain ourselves at work.

solid joke.

"it looks like it hurts."
top knot/no make up days.

dove chocolate.
it always makes me happy.
thanks for being inspiring.

i make bracelets.

bubble baths.
sooth my soul.
yes i took this while in the bath.
do you suddenly feel inappropriate?

this is funny because
1. this is the cleanest my room has been in a while.
2. if you had to guess my age by this picture..
i'd be missing 10 or so years.

it started with a poncho

i feel really blessed with the people in my life.
after this post that statement may be interpreted as sarcasm.
its not.
i am truly truly blessed.
just look.
my little mexican cupcake.

my little sis is so great. at first they were dressed like 80's glam girls. stunning by the way.
she quietly snuck out of the room only to come back down the hall playing her guitar dressed like this.
i feel alot of love.

ps. coco you can't be mad at me.
for one.. this is awesome
and two.. your the one who wouldnt let me watch one tree hill. tv hog.

missing this lady.

i was going through my pictures and came across this one.
you haven't been gone that long but it feels like forever.
this wasn't meant to be a sad post.
but i miss grandma.. granny goodwitch.
i'm grateful for the person you helped me become.
i'm grateful for the things you taught me.
and the beauty you found in simple things.
i'm grateful for your example and your love.
i'm grateful for all the memories i have.
they keep you close.