brace yourself.

here it is. the summer 2012 bucket list.
we haven't even started the bucket list. yet its already been a crazy fun summer. its only june 17.
let the fun continue.
the rules are it can only be checked off if it has been documented. i hope your ready for a blog full of summer fun. in case you can't see it here is our bucket list.

bowling          beach        zoo       fishing        blow bubbles         make lemonade        finger paint     water fight     make Popsicles         treasure hunt     swim     pinata      bird watching   reading party dollar movies       peculiar "p" party     telescope   splash park          cook out      hike    nature center    planetarium     make ice cream   visit a farm     sidewalk chalk    meteor shower     wagon ride  origami   photo booth    beanbag toss  croquet       badminton    lizard shop    ball pit     box cars     drive in movie        hopscotch    picnic        dutch oven dinner        fireworks     parade     obstacle course    game night         catch bugs       fly kites        make shirts      paper airplanes       play dough  library            write a book       magic show      ride bikes      potato stamps      science day    farmers market     flea market      Frisbee           relays       art project         feed ducks       water color     make cards   movie night    soccer        pillow fight     3 legged race        caramel popcorn      pull taffy    make a movie     mini golf      sprinklers       applesauce      sand castle      model plane      make robot  visit grandparents      breakfast for dinner      flash cards       cookies for friends      cereal necklace    new playground      homemade pasta     BBQ with friends     hand print art      tour fire station        play tennis     sleep in tents      twister        play post office        built with tools            craft night  pillow fight       block tower       card games         factory tour     make pizza     dress ups      service project   balloon animals     aquatic center

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